Our home has turned into an office, gym, dine-in restaurant, and movie theatre a long time ago, and with the beginning of the pandemic, we had to self-isolate for months in one space. Lots of people wanted to ensure that the apartment air they are inhaling is free of vaporous chemicals, viruses, and allergens. That’s where Airclear appeared to save our noses. They broke into the market with their affordable prices, fast delivery system, and, most importantly, a promise to remove 99% of the harmful air particles in our apartments.
3D Motion Graphics
Airclear team was on the verge of updating their website content when they reached out to us with a desire to create an engaging hero video for the main page. They wanted the video to tell the visual story of how their product can help clean the air and improve the quality of life through metaphors and color utilization.

We started with several discovery calls. We talked about their target market, how their competitors position themselves, and how they want to visually differentiate their products from other brands. After we gathered all the information, we collected references for the video and came up with a plot and a storyboard. We decided to divide the video into two color sets - the first part was meant to be black and white and signify how low indoor air quality will affect you. The second part began with turning on the Airclear air purifier. We used bright vivid colors and a more “livable” environment to show how clean air improves the way of living. After getting the storyboard approved we dived into modeling the product and setting up animations. We perfected every movement and then lighted, textured, and color-corrected each scene.